My friend Choka's daughter Zayaa goes to preschool with Jared and so we have started carpooling. Her husband Dan works in the same lab as Robbie, so she took the kids to see them after school in their costumes and Jared thought that we pretty fun. Here are our cute kids. (Alex and Ariuna were napping.)

Jared before we left for the ward Halloween party.

The only way we could Alex to take a picture was to give him his pumpking with some candy already in it.

The ward had chili and baked potatoes first, followed by trunk-or-treating. Robbie decided this is the way to go. We got the church at 6:30 and were done and leaving by 7:30. No one was cold or tired. It was great.

Alex loved it!! Don't touch his bucket though or you will get a terrific tantrum. He had to be the one carrying it. It was so cute when he asked for candy from the people next to our car and I heard him say "thank you" so clearly. He always says "gracias" with me when I tell him to say "thank you". Robbie, who took the kids around, said he had been doing really well with saying it.

When we got home Alex looked through his bucket for a piece of candy to eat and he pulled out a little box of Milk Duds and started "oohing" and "ahhing". He had never had them before but you couldn't tell from his excitement. I asked him if I could have one and he responded with an emphatic "Nnooo", his favorite word lately.

Jared dumped out his bucket of candy and couldn't believe how well he had made out.

I overestimated how many kids would be at the party and we were left with 2 huge bags of candy from Sam's Club that were still half full. I guess we won't be needing to steal from our kids stash like last year. ;)
Wow! Good posting Meri! :) Your boys are so stinkin' cute. And I like the new hairdo. Although when I first read about you being depressed, I thought "Oh no, she's having a boy!" before I read the real reason. No news in that department yet, right? Can't wait to hear!
I loved the Halloween posts and the berry picking! How fun! And I LOVE the hair cut! It looks great!
Is there really not fluoride in the water here?... I looked on-line and it had fluoride levels for the different counties in utah and it showed that utah county has the highest allowable amount of fluoride in its water supply so I'm definetly interested to know if that's not true. I grew up in Provo and there where I was overexposed to fluoride and am thus facing the annoying consequences.
Such cute monkeys! My niece was a monkey for Halloween this year too. Miss you!
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