Wednesday, February 20, 2008

On the Go!

Alex is our little go getter. He is always on the move exploring everything around him. Here he is trying to help me with the dishes.

1.23.08 Alex is cruising around now, going from one
piece of furniture to another to get what he wants.

1.27.08 Alex likes walking around with help. He even stood by himself for a second.

1.27.08 Alex doesn't like the feel of the cold hard tile on his legs, so he crawls around like a monkey. We sure get a kick out of it. He looks so cute with his bum up in the air.


Hannah said...

I love the monkey crawl! Really, I just love all the pictures because I only ever saw Alex as a newborn. I cannot believe how big he is. It's so unfair that time goes so fast and steals away their babyhood! :)

daherfamily said...

it was so fun seeing your new pictures. congrats to jared for being potty trained. that is very exciting!

coolhandluke said...

Maybe alex will be walking by the time we get up there, that'd be great to see him and Annalee together, even if he is twice her size :)

Rachel said...

Hi Meri! It's so fun to read about your cute little family. I can't believe how big your boys are getting...they grow up WAY too fast! :)