Wednesday, February 20, 2008

Jared is Potty Trained!

1.21.2008 I'm potty trained! This process began last summer and we celebrated Jared's success at Chuck E. Cheese after he finished filling out his sticker chart.

7.15.2007 Jared earned a sucker for going #2 on the toilet for the first time.

8.25.07 I would like to thank all the big people for helping me get to this point in my life of overcoming my fear of going #2 on the toilet.

9.1.2007 Jared is wearing pull ups now. We had to add some more incentive to help Jared. He went to a birthday part at Chuck E. Cheese back in May and he said that he wanted to go there. We made a deal that if he could fill out his sticker chart that we would take him. Getting gum and candy after each visit to the potty resulted in sometimes just wanting to go for the gum and candy or not going because he didn't want any. Some mornings he would cry saying "all done potty". It was like he thought it was something he only had to do once. I told him "sorry Jared, but this is something you will do many times a day, every day for the rest of your life", and then he would cry. We tried for a couple of weeks, but he was never staying dry. When we put him in underwear he had to go to the bathroom every 5 minutes and Jared and mom were getting sick of spending their life in the bathroom. Mom went back to the books and realized that he met all the requirements for readiness except keeping a dry diaper for at least 2 hours. So we took a break, although he did continue to go #2 in the potty. Thank goodness our efforts weren't all in vain!

Skee-ball for toddlers

Uncle Josh, Jared, and Grandma
I love pepperoni pizza!

I'm a big boy now! Am I big enough to drive?

Aunt Aimee showed Alex around and helped him play all the fun games.

We started again the week before Christmas. Alex was sick with Bronchiolitis and we couldn't leave the house, so there couldn't have been a better time to train him. He did great having only a few accidents. It took about a month for him to fill out his chart for going #1 and staying dry (21 days to make a habit). We wanted to make sure that after the reward of going to Chuck E. Cheese he didn't revert back.

We are so very proud of Jared for meeting this milestone and frankly I am very proud of myself for making it through this milestone too, little yelling and frustration to my surprise.


Hannah said...

Potty training can be so hard! Way to go Jared. And, way to go Meri for not losing your mind alltogether! I had a nephew who had #2 fears and didn't resolve it til he was 5 years old. So, I know how hard it can be!!!

Melanie said...

Good job, Jared! And good work, Msri! (You passed!) I think potty training has got to be the hardest milestone to pass through . . . at least until the teenage years. I guess I will find out soon enough!

Lee-Ruth-Clark-Cal-Shanna-Haley-Elden said...


Congrats on the potty training! We potty trained Cal the end of Feb and I thought I was going to go crazy. With two babies and Clark to watch out for I didn't know how I would live through it. Anyway, that is awesome. I hope you are doing well.