Sunday, February 24, 2008

Our Little Slugger

Robbie took Jared to the clubhouse to play some baseball in the racquetball courts and he was actually able to hit some pitches. I guess the Wii is paying off!

(PS I couldn't get the video to rotate and still have sound after several hours of trying)


Aimee and David said...

That is impressive!!!

Dan + Laurie Udy said...

Hey Meri here is our blog if you want to take a look!


Lindsay said...

Darling Family. I am so happy for you guys!!!! I've a got a cute little girl you can line up with your boys anytime!

Jen said...

Hey Robbie! Hows it goin? Your little guys are so cute! Malia also likes playing the wii with us...mostly Mario Kart though, and half the time she just thinks she is playing! But it's all good!

daherfamily said...

i need your email so i can add you to my blog.