Friday, June 27, 2008

Who stole the cookie from the cookie jar?

Alex stole the cookies from the cookie jar. I had made cookies the night before and they were in a plastic ziploc bag on the counter. I was sitting in the family room using my laptop when Jared comes and tells me Alex is eating a cookie. I was like, "how in the world would he have a cookie?" I go in the kitchen to find several cookies on the floor and the bag open, hanging off the counter, and the stool right up against the counter. He had stood on the stool and gotten into the bag himself. Can you tell he likes chocolate chip cookies? On Monday at my cousin Garret's wedding dinner Brett couldn't wait for Alex to say please before giving him a bite of his cookie because of the sweet, happy face that you just can't resist. He loves cookies. And yes, I let him finish the cookie.

1 comment:

Coach Ann said...

Alex stole the cookie from the cookie jar! Who me? Couldn't be. What an adorable little stinker! Where does he get that sweet tooth.